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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At Fidelity, we value how Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) helps us to deliver for our customers, drive innovation, and maintain a welcoming culture where everyone feels they belong and can thrive in their careers.

" We view diversity, equity and inclusion as core to our mission and essential to our long-term success. Cultivating an environment where differences are celebrated and everyone has opportunities to grow and advance is not only the right thing to do, but also gives us a distinct competitive advantage in attracting top talent, understanding our global customer base, and fuelling our continued growth and innovation."

Keith Metters, President, Fidelity International

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our commitment is to embed a culture where DEI is championed, promoted and felt across the organisation. We have set three global strategic goals:

  • Diversity: Our workforce is made up of talented people with a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.
  • Inclusion and equity: All our people feel valued, safe to speak up, and able to perform and reach their potential.
  • Reputation: Fidelity remains known in our industry for our commitment to driving DEI.

At Fidelity, we respect and value all forms of diversity. We have defined five focus areas for our global DEI efforts, bringing an intersectional approach to our activities.

Cultural Diversity

Respecting and increasing our Cultural Diversity, encompassing nationalities, ethnicities, religions and beliefs.


Ensuring accessibility and Enablement for people with disabilities and health conditions, whether visible or invisible.

Gender balance

Achieving a greater Gender Balance and parity.


Embracing our LGBT+ people and communities.

Social Mobility

Ensuring Social Mobility is no barrier to success and providing fair opportunities for all.

Supporting external commitments

We demonstrate our ongoing commitment to DEI by supporting campaigns and initiatives which challenge organisations and our industry to do more, including:

BITC Race at Work Charter: tackling barriers that ethnic minority people face in recruitment and progression. 

Global Business Collaboration Leadership Pledge for better workplace mental health: advocating for and accelerating positive change for mental health in the workplace.

United Nations LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business: supporting the business community in tackling discrimination against LGBT+ people.

Valuable 500: pledging to make disability inclusion a board-room level initiative.

Women in Finance Charters in Ireland, Luxembourg and the UK: making pledges for gender balance across financial services.

DEI is everyone’s responsibility

Everyone at Fidelity has a role to play in building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organisation.

  • The RemCo of the FIL Limited Board maintains oversight of Fidelity’s DEI Strategy and progress against DEI targets.
  • Each member of Fidelity’s Global Operating Committee has DEI goals and is accountable for developing and implementing action plans to achieve them.
  • The DEI Committee is a senior decision-making committee that directs the development, implementation and oversight of the DEI strategy.
  • The DEI Networks and Communities bring the employee voice to our DEI strategy and facilitate employee-driven DEI activities. Each DEI Network is supported by a senior Executive Sponsor.
  • All people managers are expected to build diverse and inclusive teams, and all employees are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Bringing DEI to life

To support all our people to thrive in their careers, we are proud to offer inclusive benefits and practices across all our locations and business areas.


Barrier-free workplace

We work with external experts and our people to remove barriers faced by people with disabilities and health conditions in the workplace.


Equal paid parental leave

All our people have access to equalised paid parental leave so they can spend time with their children and thrive in their careers.


Caring for Carers

We offer five days of paid leave per year for all our people to carry out their caring responsibilities.


DEI Networks

Bringing together employees with a shared interest in one of our focus areas to provide a supportive community and influence our inclusive culture.


Flexible working

We offer a balance of home and office working with at least 8 office days a month to deliver for our clients through effective team working and individual work-life balance.


LGBT+ inclusion

We offer global benefits and policies that are inclusive of LGBT+ employees, have a strong LGBT+ Allies programme and provide workplace guidelines on gender expression, identity and transitioning.


Wellbeing matters

We take a holistic approach of physical, mental and financial wellbeing so our people can look after themselves and thrive - both at home and at work.


Supporting our people’s wellbeing

We offer all our people access to the global Employee Assistance Programme and trained Mental Health First Aiders.


Menopause-friendly workplace

Our caring culture supports people experiencing the menopause through awareness raising with an active Menopause Community and workplace guide.


Inclusive development

The Talent Marketplace, our career development platform, gives all employees access to a range of opportunities including mentoring.


Developing diverse talent

We work with partners to deliver targeted development programmes to support employees from under-represented groups to advance in their career.


Embracing allyship

All employees have access to our Allyship guides to understand the steps they can take to be inclusive to different groups.


Cultural Diversity Action Plan Report

Between 2020-2023, we published annual Reports to address and track progress of cultural diversity across our workforce.


Gender Pay Gap Reports

On an annual basis, we publish on the regulated Gender Pay Gap reports for Luxembourg, Ireland and the UK.


Women in Finance Charters

We are signatories of Women in Finance Charters in Luxembourg, Ireland and the UK.

Success measures

To track progress on our strategic goals, we have set ourselves the following success measures to achieve by December 2027:


  • Gender-balanced and ethnically diverse boards.
  • Greater gender balance, ethnic and socio-economic diversity in senior management, mid-management and junior roles.

Inclusion and equity

  • Strong employee perceptions of inclusion, equal opportunities and psychological safety for all groups.
  • Equitable progression opportunities for all groups.
  • Equitable or higher retention rates for target groups.


  • Ability to attract top diverse talent to work at Fidelity.
  • High levels of Count Me In (workforce diversity data) completion rates.

See our DEI Reports for further information on our performance and progress against these success measures.

We partner with global and local DEI experts to drive change within Fidelity, the financial services industry and the communities we work in:

2024 Awards

  • Employer of the Year (Large Company) - Financial Times Adviser Diversity in Finance Awards
  • DivHERsity Awards India: DivHERsity Policies 
  • DivHERsity Awards India: DivHERsity Programs 
  • DivHERsity Awards India: Women Returnee Programs 
  • Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work UK list, ranking 37 out of 50

2023 Awards

  • Best diversity/corporate culture initiative’ category for the ESG Clarity Awards.
  • CareER Inclusive Employers badge in Hong Kong.
  • DivHERsity Awards India: Top 3 Companies By Industry - Banking/Financial Services/Insurance
  • DivHERsity Awards India: Top 20 Most Innovative Practices — DivHERsity Policies 
  • DivHERsity Awards India: Top 5 Most Innovative Practices — DivHERsity Hiring   
  • Financial Times Adviser award for Championing Social Mobility.
  • Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work UK list, ranking 38 out of 50
  • Global Stonewall Workplace Equality Index Gold Standard and Top 100 employer
  • LGBT Great Inclusion Index Benchmarking Tool (iiBT), Gold Standard. 
  • Pride in Diversity Australia Workplace Equality Index Bronze status
  • Social Mobility Foundation Top 75 employer rank 67
  • Stonewall UK Workplace Equality Index Gold Standard and Rank 14
  • The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality
  • Top 10 Employer in Hong Kong LGBT+ Inclusion Index

2022 Awards

  • Financial Times Advisors Championing Race Diversity
  • Global Stonewall Workplace Equality Index Gold Standard and Top 100 employer
  • Inclusive Employers Index Bronze Award for Inclusive Employers Index Intersectional UK 
  • Japan Pride Index Gold Status
  • KSF, Pride Circle & Stonewall Gold Award for India Workplace Equality Index LGBT+ India 
  • LGBT Great Inclusion Index Benchmarking Tool (iiBT), Gold Standard. 
  • Recognised as ‘Disability Confident Leader’ as part of the UK Government’s Disability Confident scheme. 
  • Social Mobility Foundation Top 75 Employers rank 39
  • Stonewall UK Workplace Equality Index Gold Standard and Rank 67
  • The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality
  • Women in Finance Employer of the Year Gender UK 
  • Women in Investment Contribution to Gender Diversity Gender UK 

Meet Joseph Bassey-Duke, Investment Director, Real Estate, UK

"I was fortunate to take advantage of Fidelity's Enhanced Parental Leave policy, which offers equivalent time away from work for both fathers and mothers.

It is still relatively rare, especially in the financial services industry, for fathers to take significant amounts of time away from work to care for their new-borns. I didn't have any examples of this in my personal and professional network, so was initially hesitant about the policy, but Fidelity were great and actively encouraged me to use the policy.

My handover, time off, and return were as seamless as possible, and I felt supported by my team & manager throughout. Since I returned, I've seen more fathers at Fidelity take up the opportunity, and I hope similar policies become more widespread in the industry to encourage a better gender balance in parenting.

I feel extremely grateful for the precious time I got to spend with my son and wife, supporting both at a key point in their lives, and I will cherish those moments forever."


Meet Claire Prendergast, Global Head of Client Reporting, Ireland

"I was honoured to have the opportunity to be the Global LGBT+ Network Co-Chair for three years at Fidelity. During this time, I received tremendous support to develop our global LGBT+ Network and Allies Community across Fidelity. 

As Global LGBT+ Network Co-Chair, I was able to directly influence the environment we created for our LGBT+ employees and clients, including introducing pronouns on system platforms and launching our Gender Expression, Identity and Transitioning Guide to support our trans and non-binary colleagues and their managers. 

I engaged and championed talented LGBT+ colleagues to play active roles in the Network and DEI programmes, such as LGBT Great’s cross company mentoring programme. I found it rewarding to see talented LGBT+ colleagues grow, progress and thrive in their careers. 

I continue to champion our global LGBT+ inclusion at Fidelity working closely with peers, senior management and HR partners to promote our inclusive and diverse culture."


Meet Edward Guo, Corporate Communications Director, China

"Growing up in Inner Mongolia, life was a blend of vast steppes and humble beginnings. The finance industry was an unexpected career destination, but I was led to where I am by working hard and continuously breaking the socioeconomic constraints. The road was arduous, filled with challenges and tested my resolve. Yet, every hurdle overcame became a stepping stone. 

More importantly, Fidelity’s culture of DEI allowed people like me to shine and thrive. Now as an ambassador of Social Mobility, my mission is clear: to lift others from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Knowing firsthand the transformative power of opportunity and determination, I mentor, I guide, and I advocate. This is my contribution to social mobility, ensuring that others can follow a path of possibilities, just as I did."


Meet Susan Symes, Senior Manager, Financial Crime Compliance, UK

"I was given the opportunity to participate in the BBBA Talent Accelerator Program which Fidelity mid-management level colleagues who identify as Asian, Black, Indian, or from a mixed heritage background.

The programme is specifically designed to provide support and career guidance for employees like me, from an ethnic or cultural minority. Using a combination of workshops, coaching and peer collaboration with other participants on the programme, I have been able to review my current skills in a learning experience that embraces my ethnicity.

Additionally, the program not only provided support for me in my career, but also to my manager and their manager to create a joined-up programme of learning and ongoing career support which has been genuinely invaluable."


Meet Ashish Sharma, Senior Technical Consultant, India

"I became a Mental Health First Aider during the Covid-19 pandemic when I wanted to help more people who were struggling with their wellbeing through a challenging time.  I feel I make a difference by supporting colleagues through non-judgemental and empathetic listening and by connecting them with services to get the help they need to care for their mental wellbeing.  

The more we talk about wellbeing and what is available to our people, the more we can reduce stigma around mental health, and the more people can get the support they need."


Meet Nicola Feakin, Head of Enterprise Resilience - Tech Management Oversight, UK

"When I first started experiencing the symptoms of peri-menopause, I - like many other women - thought that I had very serious health issues.  Only through individual research was I able to find the treatment that addressed those symptoms - finding the right information and support was not easy.  How that situation has changed in the past two years! 

Thanks to a group of committed women at Fidelity, we now have enhanced policies with an Employee and Manager Guide and a hub of information available to all employees (it’s important to provide support for partners too), and a Menopause Community where we can talk openly about our experiences and raise awareness." 


Women and Work

Our global research helps multinational employers to harness the power of benefits strategies to promote balance for women at work.

We explore the needs of working women globally and identify opportunities for employers to engage their employees with resources and benefits that align to their specific needs.

Women and Work