Dear Me Then, From Me Now: Meet Stuart, Head of Global Platform Solutions
It might be strange to get a letter from your future self, but please indulge me as I know you won’t always listen to your parents!
Dear Me Then, From Me Now; Meet Tina, Associate Director - Corporate Sustainability
You’ll undoubtedly be surprised to find out where we’ve got to in life. Don’t worry.
International Women's Day 2024 - Investing in Women
We asked our colleagues to share how they invest in the women in their lives, their colleagues and themselves.
Black History Month - Khloe - History in the making
Black History month is always a time for reflection, contemplating the words of past historians, writers and thought leaders like Carter G. Woodson - the father of Black History Month.
Dear Me Then, From Me Now: Meet Cara, CFO - Global Platform Solutions
As I write this, I can’t believe how the time has flown by. Life never goes as planned and things will happen that you have no control of, but that’s ok. You’ll still be learning that once you hit your 50’s. I will come onto that in a moment…
Dear Me Then, From Me Now: Meet Nigell, Head of Global Foreign Exchange Trading
The saying that’ll get you through when times are tough is- ‘this too, shall pass’.
Dear Me Then, From Me Now: Meet Ember, Service Specialist, Client Services
So, let’s start things off. We’ve changed our name.
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