Dear me,

Rollercoaster. That’s the word that comes to mind when I think about your life. But without the low’s, you can’t feel the highs, someone once told me.

In your career, you’ll have to give up on your dream of being a location scout for Bond films early, and instead, you’ll find your true passion in an almost entirely alien concept (at the time) called social media. You’ll work across all aspects of digital marketing, but will find that you keep returning to social. The thrill of seeing creative campaigns come to life and the fact the goal posts are constantly moving will keep you interested. Leading a team of brilliant, skilled, creative minds will drive you to succeed, for you and for them, even when they force you to do things like write this letter…

Honesty and integrity are the two qualities you pride yourself on. Working in financial services means, at times, being the only woman in the room, but your voice is strong and your passion is fierce. People won’t always like that there’s courage in your conviction or that your brain and heart conflict, and that’s ok. You’re never afraid to be wrong and you get a thrill when someone changes your mind - keep hold of that.

Kristina, Head of Social Media

Your hunger to be successful will be a good distraction, throwing yourself into your work when times get tough and, sorry to say, there’s a fair bit of that coming. Your son, Emre, will burst into this world and make everything make sense. The road to Emre will bring on your battle with late-stage Endometriosis and adenomyosis, two chronic illnesses that make life tricky at times, but with more and more focus on them, people will start to understand what they are, something you’ll constantly advocate and campaign for, to make it better for others. Your husband, Sha and his laid-back, positive energy will be your port in the storm, so let one of his bad dad jokes go by from time to time. Becoming a mother will be transformative for you. It will make you determined to create a legacy and be an example to your son. Personally and professionally. You’ll return from maternity leave and burn yourself out trying to prove yourself, and then, the worst will happen. That fear that so many of us feel yet never voice… Cancer. But listen, it IS going to be ok. Focus on all that you have and learn to give yourself some grace. Realise that it’s YOU that puts the pressure on yourself and learn to balance that better. It’ll be tough, but so are you. That saying “health is wealth” will likely always make a wry smile creep across your face, but it’s that sort of humour that will keep you going. 

Joy is your word for this year, and it can be found in so many places. Whether it’s showing Emre the world and seeing it through his eyes or just appreciating the fact you feel great today. Keep creating, keep wondering, keep succeeding but, most importantly, keep going. You’re not done yet.

All my love,
Kristina x

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